A note from Pastor Brittany:

Kids are a part of everything we do at City of Light. In fact, so many times when we as adults forget how to trust the Lord like children, our kids lead us in remembering the joy and wonder we were created for! 

In other words:

When we worship with kids, they teach us to worship.

When we lead kids to Jesus, they lead us to Jesus.

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How we do this on Sundays:

On Sundays, we have children’s ministry for ages infant-5th grade. 

Our nursery is for our littlest ones (under 3). The rest of our kids start in a large group together and then break into age groups with their shepherd. 



Just as adults all learn & connect with God differently, a variety in worship and teaching gives children the opportunity to learn and connect with God in a way that’s unique to them and to their development. So kids will worship in Spirit and Truth:

Spirit: Music, Liturgy, wondering together, storytelling, and art
Truth: Scripture reading and memory, learning foundational parts of the Christian life (catechism)


Because Communion is the most important part of our service, we celebrate all together as a family around the Table. We love that this means we can be examples to one another, leading one another in worship. 

We also do this on Feast Days throughout the church year (Easter, Pentecost, All Saints etc.). We gather as a family to worship on these special days and get to experience the fullness of the body of Christ.

This way our kids also become familiar with our Anglican tradition, liturgical year, and broader church family.