We are a church that lives the light, justice, blessing, and hospitality of Jesus through neighborhood presence in our city. Here are a few of the ways we are doing that right now:

World Relief Good Neighbor Team — Good Neighbor Teams (GNTs) are small groups of people from a church or friend group who have said yes to walking alongside a newly arriving immigrant family for 6-12 months, providing tangible care, friendship and community connection. After onboarding and training with World Relief, GNTs are equipped to step in and help with important tasks like conducting airport pick-ups, cultural orientation, arranging housing, supporting access to medical and social services and assisting newcomers as they seek employment. Find out more here or contact Abby Arnold at shadowlands4now@gmail.com

Bilingual Ministry Team — This team hosts various worship and missional gatherings in Spanish and English to connect our various Latino and Anglo cultures in our church and neighborhoods. Contact Pastor Trevor to find out more. trevor@cityoflightanglican.org.

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