Church should be a safe space.

City of Light Church believes that all persons should experience the church as a safe environment, free from any form of abuse. We believe that God is a refuge for the oppressed and never ignores the cry of the abused (Psalm 9:9, 12), and he wants his people to participate in this work.

Although we cannot control every circumstance, we strive to create a culture that does not allow abuse to thrive. You are invited to join our community in this holy ambition, as we embody God’s compassion and work to create a place of safety for every person in the church and a sanctuary of healing and justice for survivors.

We want to protect the vulnerable & minister with integrity. If you have a concern regarding any form of misconduct in one of our diocesan churches, please report your concern. If you see something, please say something. You may make a report to our independent Intake Officer.

Learn more

While we want church to be a safe space for everyone, we take especially thorough measures for protecting our kids. 

Child Protection Policies